per day per week
Mini PA
pair AT mics, powerstation, 4 speakers with stands
£155 £465
Standard PA
pair lectern mics, CD, MD, powerstation, multi-core,
GEQ+delays, 4 speakers with stands, JBL Sub, FB, DI box
£293 £879
Full PA
as above, with 6/8 radio mics and sub mixer
£619 £1854

Radio mics, lapel or HH
(Sennheiser G2s with mini AT capsules)
Radio mics 6-8 combo
(6 x receivers, 8 x transmitters)
Pair AT 915 Mic lectern kit
CD Discman
MD walkman
EV S40 speakers (pair)
Stands (each)
Marshall SPM FB speakers (each)
D.I. box
JBL 250w self powered Sub
16 way x 60m multi-core
8/2/2 Mixer
Graphic Equalizer w. 4 delay lines

Sony F740 mic
Portable cassette deck TC D5
Vaio 16”UXGA, Go5600-64MB
P4 3.2, 1GB/80GB DVDRW